Three shows of A Brush with Death and a private booking for an adult birthday party all in one weekend almost overloaded this BWD Techie!
The BWD high started on Thursday. The Magic Assistant and I ran around the block looking for an issue of FFWD Weekly. We landed a feature and we were looking to grab copies for our own magic shrines, but we could find any!! Actually, we saw some at the Blues Can, but it was closed, so we stared yearningly at them through the glass door…/sigh Luckily, my bro grabbed us a few 🙂 Thanks bro!

Lolita’s Lounge was packed (as expected) for the first show and we were all very nervous! I know…it IS the FOURTH time running this show, but each BWD season has new pieces and new performers. On top of that, this was the first time I’d be working in the sound booth. I thought it would be pretty nerve-racking, but the performers really helped out by marking out very specific sound cues for me 🙂 They’re all very sweet!
The second show on Friday was even more packed and the third show on Sunday had audience members falling out the windows because the place was overflowing with fans! Special thanks to those fans who volunteered for our video testimonials! We will be compiling the footage together and will be posting it up on the website…..some time between now and the next show (LOL). Stay tuned for updates!
You would think that the magicians who involve the BWD techie in all their rehearsals and magic plans, but no…..I’m not a magician and therefore am not entitled to see the magic rehearsals. So, I was very happy to have such a great view of the show this time around!
It definitely was the creepiest and freakiest show yet! There was more blood, more dark (and very adult) humor and tonnes of audience participation. That’s the best thing about our show: we always bring the audience into the magic fun! It’s not just the typical magic show … the BWD performers make sure you are thoroughly grossed out, amazed, horrified, and wanting more! Kudos to the fans who ate Yeats’ lifesaver and licked off Ryan’s blood from his finger!